Sunday, 1 February 2015

Strategic Plan 2014 - 2017

Strategic Plan 2014 - 2017

Uganda National Association of Private Schools (UNAPSI) is the umbrella body representing and supporting Uganda’s independent private schools sector.

Our Vision
Uganda National Association of Private Schools (UNAPSI): an inspirational leader in promoting and supporting choice and diversity, independence and autonomy and excellence in schooling.

Our Mission
Uganda National Association of Private Schools (UNAPSI) serves and supports independent schools through:

·         Being a leading advocate of independent private schools
·         Providing strong and effective representation to Government and other stakeholders
·         Promoting choice and diversity in school education and protecting the autonomy of independent private  schools
·         Advocating for equitable levels of Government support for the education on of children in independent private schools
·         Providing quality, relevant and ecient services which inform, foster and benefit member schools
·         Providing leadership and support for independent schools in the advancement of education and the achievement of excellent outcomes

Strategic Priorities
Uganda National Association of Private Schools (UNAPSI) Vision and Mission will be achieved by implementing the following Strategic Priorities in four Key Performance Areas:

·         External Relations - A focus on shaping the environment for independent private schools
·         School and Educational Services - A focus on building the capacity of independent private schools
·         Leadership, Innovation and Creativity - Providing a place and space for educators to inquire, imagine, create and innovate
·         Organizational Capability - A focus on achieving results

EXTERNAL RELATIONS - a focus on shaping the environment for independent private schools

Broad Strategic Priorities
·         Influence decisions made by Governments that impact on independent schools
·         Promote choice and diversity and autonomy as key attributes of education policy
·         Advocate for better resourcing for all schools and ensure independent schools are funded equitably
·         Maintain strong and productive relationships with the other school sectors and stakeholders
·         Promote unity of purpose within the independent private school sector

Specific Priorities
·         Increase its influence and engagement in the national education agenda
·         Ensure the sector is prominently engaged in School Funding Reviews
·         Provide strong sector advocacy on the implementation of Uganda Government’s education proposals

SCHOOL AND EDUCATIONAL SERVICES - a focus on building the capacity of independent private schools

Broad Strategic Priori es
  • Engage proactively with members and stakeholders through provision of advice, information and support services
  • Work with schools in building governance and management capacity
  • Support schools to ensure provision of eective and innovative teaching and learning
  • Deliver eective outcomes and meet the needs of members
  • Support the independent sector in maintaining high quality educational provision
  • Support and monitor government funded programs eciently including significant value-adding for schools, USE,  and target groups

Specific Priorities
·         Build and maintain services for schools in the areas of governance, school leadership, and human resource management
·         Support schools in the implementation of the Uganda Education Curriculum
·         Deliver services to support the quality and criteria of kindergartens in Uganda
·         Consider and establish, if appropriate, an Independent Private Schools Standards Authority to assist schools with accreditation, quality improvement and the meeting of standards

LEADERSHIP, INNOVATION AND CREATIVITY - providing a place and space for educators to inquire, imagine, create and innovate

Broad Strategic Priorities

·         Enable education professionals to create, connect and collaborate in imaginative and inventive ways
  • Foster new and dierent partnerships in and beyond education
  • Respond to the needs and opportunities identified by independent private schools in fostering innovation and creativity
  • Contribute to the development of current and aspiring leaders, and the growth, status and influence of the teaching profession

Specific Priorities
·         Develop materials on education and innovation that provide resources for teachers and school leaders
·         Publish widely the latest research on leadership and innovation in education
·         Conduct forums and provide opportunities for independent private schools to access national and international experts on leadership and innovation
·         Deliver programs to contribute to the development of current and aspiring educational leaders
ORGANISATIONAL CAPABILITY - a focus on achieving results

Broad Strategic Priorities
·         Maintain good practice in governance and management
·         Develop a skilled and professional workforce in an ecient and productive working environment
·         Establish clear business processes and develop a culture of continuous improvement
·         Embrace technology to provide quality professional services
·         Provide value for money services and have transparent reporting and accountability processes

Specific Priories
  • Review and update its Constitution and Governance
  • Implement a sustainable Business Model
Significantly invest in organizational capability including people, technology, systems and facilities

The Future of UNAPSI
In UNAPSI Board of Directors – began work on a strategy formation process to identify the priorities and direction of the Association, as well as to define ways to accomplish and measure progress against specific goals. In addition to producing the mission statement above, the process resulted in the adoption of the following key organizational strategies that will focus and drive UNAPSI’s work in the coming years:

1.         Increase and broaden opportunities for connection, collegiality, and collaboration between and among independent private schools.
UNAPSI hopes to bolster its role as a convener of people and facilitator of inter-school collaboration by providing venues and opportunities through which school professionals can exchange data, ideas, and best practices in order to take advantage of the wealth of knowledge and expertise of UNAPSI membership. A related goal is to expand efforts to include schools of different sizes, grade ranges, missions, and geographic areas in conversations and activities.

2.         Support schools and Heads in recognizing, understanding, and responding effectively to current and emerging trends and challenges.
UNAPSI will encourage schools to think creatively about the future of education and support them in tackling challenges as well as capitalizing on opportunities. Current and regularly updated professional development offerings in various functional areas of school management, as well as a more strategic use of technology and social networking, will be essential avenues for meeting the needs of member schools. In particular, increased assistance in the areas of marketing and admissions, especially in the face of demographic changes, is desired by a significant portion of the membership.

3.         Promote diversity, equity, and social justice and integrate those core values into our programs and services.
UNAPSI has been a national leader in fostering equity and advocating for diversity and social justice in independent private schools. As its Statement on Diversity expresses, UNAPSI understands the complexities that schools face as they work toward genuine multiculturalism and encourages schools to confront rather than avoid these issues. The Association provides guidance through professional development, outreach to families and educators of ethnicity. Perhaps most importantly, by making matters of diversity, equity, and social justice central to its own work, UNAPSI promotes their significance to member schools and creates a space in which conversations on these critical issues can begin and progress.

P.O. Box 29324 Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 753632211, Mengo Sentema Road

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