Review of
Uganda Private Schools Sector
In most developing countries around the world,
privately owned affordable (independent) schools growing as an alternative to government (public)
schools. Specifically in Uganda, estimates show that
over 3,000 independent schools exist. Primarily concentrated in the urban areas, these schools cater to over 300,000
students a year.
Students attending these schools receive quality education
at all educational levels compared to public schools. In most cases, independent private schools offer a lower student teacher ratio, better facilities and extra-curricular activities
when compared to the public schools. However, managing
and operating these schools does not come
without its challenges to the owners and teachers. In order to address these challenges, in Uganda
several independent school directors established the Uganda National
Association of Private Schools and Institutions (UNAPSI) in 2008, as a mechanism
for schools to work together to
address and overcome the challenges
they faced.
Uganda National Association of Private Schools and
Institutions (UNAPSI) is interested in developing opportunities for independent private
schools in Uganda to enhance the access and quality of affordable education to the communities.
UNAPSI is interested in
investing in Management
Resources, Educational
Infrastructure and Transparency. UNAPSI would like to identify potential ways it can partner with stakeholders
and development partners in order to enhance the independent private school
This year, UNAPSI contracted a
consultant in Uganda to conduct
research in order to better
understand the value UNAPSI brings to its members. Therefore, the purpose of this report
is to detail the key findings from UNAPSI and the independent private schools sector review.
Key findings detailed
in the report are based on
data gathered through two primary research
methods: interviews / discussions and surveys. Key findings in the report are summarized into three
areas: review of Uganda education policy and environment, observations of selected
private school owners/operators and review of UNAPSI.
The education policy and environment in Uganda is dynamic
and is changing to be able to provide education to all Ugandan children. The Ugandan Ministry
of Education & Sports (MOES) is playing an active role
in the development of the sector. In addition to the development of a Ugandan National
Curriculum, the MOES introduced
free primary and secondary
education policies. However,
the public schools continue to be challenged
with curriculum delivery. Specifically schools charge high fees for textbooks, materials and uniforms; have a large number of students in one classroom (up to 100 students per class); have an insufficient number of schools (1 school in a 5 kilometer radius);
have limited facilities and minimal extra-curricular activities.
Based on observations and 12 school visits, many private schools are better placed to offer quality education when compared to public schools. First,
in independent private schools, fees range from UGX 50,000 to
UGX 500,000 (USD 20 to USD 200) averagely per term. Additional costs such as books, uniforms and materials are a onetime cost per year.
Independent private school class sizes range from
25 to 45 students per class.
private schools are abundant in urban areas, often with 5 to 6 schools within a
3-kilometer range.
Additionally, individuals with previous teaching
backgrounds manage almost half of the
independent private schools visited. Fifty percent of the independent private school teachers were government
trained and possessed previous teaching experience. Together,
management and teaching staff focus on quality education and the child needs. However, independent schools do face challenges
such as teacher turnover, limited facilities, limited financing
for infrastructure and limited awareness from
the government and parents.
this, independent private
schools continue to play a large role in the education
sector in Uganda. By providing
flexible and low-cost affordable
quality education, middle class and low-income families, particularly in the
urban areas, rely on independent private
schools for continued
quality education of their
children. Although the government is increasingly recognizing formally the independent private schools sector,
through the expected work of UNAPSI
and other stakeholders, policies will be enacted in the near future to improve
the sector and to provide recognition and benefits to the independent private schools.
Over the past five years, UNAPSI has tried to play an active role in the independent private schools sector promoting
education and the rights of students.
Advocacy is only one example of services
UNAPSI currently offers. The growth of services has been slow due to limited financial
and human resources. This has resulted in minimal operations, processes and staff within UNAPSI. However, UNAPSI intends to widen its membership
base in both urban and rural districts.
As the needs of UNAPSI members and the independent private schools sector grows, so to
does the UNAPSI mandate. Governed by a Board of Directors, a program coordiantor and three
voluntary staff members, UNAPSI anticipates growing quickly
in 2014 - 2015. Specifically, UNAPSI hopes to increase its offering of services and training to its members
(for school managers and
teachers). To facilitate this growth,
selected UNAPSI leaders have developed a five-year strategic plan. UNAPSI intends to dedicate resources
to building program areas and staff.
Membership dues and donor
funding will be sought to fund this growth.
Given this, key areas have been
identified where UNAPSI can partner with stakeholders. The first area is
to support a strategic planning review which will result in the discussion and final adoption of the
strategic plan by Board members, school members and staff. Once the strategic plan is
adopted by all, key program areas, as prioritized in the plan, will be implemented.
These program areas could include a
Quality Assurance component
to develop and maintain quality education standards
for members, a Capacity
Building and Training
component to address the training needs of member’s management
and teacher teams, and a Financial Transparency component that would work with
UNAPSI members to promote accounting practices and standards for
the independent private schools
sector thereby allowing entrepreneurs to fund expansion and renovations.
An important area for support is organizational development to build UNAPSI’s internal operations, processes and
staff. Resources should be dedicated to help UNAPSI develop key
organizational capacities and advise
UNAPSI leadership on the best ways to ensure UNAPSI’s sustainable growth.
In Africa, families continue
to turn to privately-owned schools as an alternative to the deteriorating public school system.
Specifically, in Uganda, it is estimated
that over 3,000 privately-owned
affordable “independent” private schools exist. A majority
of these schools are located
in urban areas.
These independent private schools seek to provide children in Uganda with a holistic education.
In addition to providing basic
education at all levels, these schools promote
children’s rights to access supplemental education
material, food, shelter (for HIV
/ AIDS orphan children) and healthcare.
However, providing these services does not come without challenges to the school, the
school owners (educational entrepreneurs) and administration (directors and teachers).
In 2008, Uganda National Association of Private
Schools and Institutions (UNAPSI) was established to address the challenges faced by private educational entrepreneurs. UNAPSI’s mission is “to represent, promote and protect private
schools, their owners and operator in Uganda.
It also strives to empower communities to engage the
Government of Uganda and other
stakeholders to pursue policies, guidelines and actions that promote the access
of all children in informal settlements to a holistic quality
UNAPSI aims to provide its members, their
teachers and students with training and advocacy
programs to fulfill its mission.
3.0. Program OBJECTIVE
Uganda National Association of Private Schools and
Institutions (UNAPSI) is interested in developing opportunities for independent schools to enhance the access and quality of affordable education to Ugandan
citizens through support
for Management Resources, Policy Guidelines, Educational Infrastructure and Principles of Good
Practices. UNAPSI
plans to play an active role in
the development of the independent private schools sector
in Uganda. UNAPSI is interested
in ways it can partner with stakeholders to enhance the independent private school sector.
Therefore, UNAPSI contracted a consultant
conduct research an industry review in order
understand the issues and challenges the industry. The primary focus of the program
was to identify the strengths and weaknesses of UNAPSI
in order to make recommendations for technical
assistance or other interventions. The secondary focus of the program was to gain a general
understanding of independent private schools sector
in Uganda. Therefore, the purpose of this report is
to detail the key findings from the review of UNAPSI, the
industry and preliminary information regarding the education sector in Uganda.
In order to collect data in
all areas, two primary research methods were employed by the consultant:
interviews and surveys.
interviews were conducted
with various individuals and institutions.
The objective of the interviews was to gather first hand information about the education sector in Uganda (specifically
private schools sector),
The following interviews were conducted:
Current Leadership:
3. Independent private schools
5. Government:
Ministry of Education & Sports – no response to meeting request
6. Banks
In addition to interviews, questionnaires were distributed
and collected from the 12 schools in order to capture preliminary data regarding these independent
private schools.
Based on initial research (interviews and questionnaires) the following
illustrates preliminary findings regarding the education
sector in Uganda, UNAPSI and independent
private schools.
Key findings regarding
education policies result from interviews and discussions with UNAPSI, independent private schools and stakeholders.
Currently, the government of Uganda promotes free primary school education (UPE) for all Ugandan students in all
public schools. Although primary education
is free in most cases there are
challenges to accessing this education.
UPE does not include
the reoccurring cost of mandatory
new uniforms, books and
materials that low-income families incur multiple
times in a year. Additionally, in
some cases, the quality of education in government schools can be very poor. For example, the student to teacher ratio
can range from 25 to 100 students per teacher. Also, the numbers of schools are insufficient to serve
the student population in an area – it is estimated that in urban areas often one public school
exists to serve 10,000 students
in an immediate 5km radius. Therefore, many low-income families,
particularly in urban areas, are turning to affordable private schools for student’s primary
Independent private
schools in Uganda are estimated to serve over 300,000 students in urban
areas. Often these schools are located
on small plots in the urban areas with limited space for students. Parents pay a fee on a termly basis ranging from UGX
50,000 to UGX 500,000
(USD 20 to USD 200) plus
the cost of books
and uniforms. Most schools
are able to collect a majority of the fee. Students in these schools
follow the government developed Ugandan
National Curriculum
(KNC). Class sizes range from
25 to 45 students per teacher.
The current education
policy in Uganda recognizes
both public and private schools. When comparing independent private schools to the government public
schools, independent private schools
do not meet the certain criteria such as land requirements and others. Further complicating matters, the MOES has free secondary school policy
(USE) threatening the current enrollment at independent private secondary schools. Ultimately, UNAPSI
and the MOES are working
to improve the independent
private school sector so that these schools can benefit more
from government policies.
5.3 Independent Private Schools
Key findings regarding independent
private schools result from observations
from field visits, surveys
distributed and interviews / discussions with selected independent private schools.
Background Information: A majority of independent
private schools are located in the urban
areas of Uganda. As mentioned earlier it
is estimated that independent private
schools educate over 300,000 students in Uganda.
Curriculum Offering: All independent
private schools offer the Uganda National Curriculum. However, schools vary in their level of
education offering. A majority of schools offer primary education and some have pre-primary, primary and secondary classes.
The average total number of students
at each school ranged from 180 to over 700
students. Therefore, on average it was estimated that the student to teacher ratio in the schools visited
varied from 25 to 45 students per
Directors / Staff Experience:
Of 12 members visited, approx
60% of School Owners / Directors possessed an education background and previous
educational experience. Similarly, 60% of teachers were trained in the government teacher’s
colleges and had at least three years
previous teaching experience. The remaining teachers were high school graduates.
Facilities: A majority of schools visited
used rented land to build their schools. Generally, schools were built with semi-permanent materials and some with wooden pallets and
iron sheet roofs. All
schools had pit latrine toilets. In most cases, there was one facility
for males and one for females (few schools had separate toilets for teachers and students). Additionally, a majority of schools had limited textbooks, infrastructure
(benches / chairs), teaching aides, libraries, labs, playgrounds, staff rooms and electricity for students.
A few schools had taken loans from financial institutions for expansion; a majority
had used profits
or donations to renovation and improvements.
Lastly, a majority of schools did not have school transportation.
Independent Private School Challenges: As mentioned
earlier, independent private schools voiced several challenges that they are
currently facing in running their schools. First, all school leaders noted funding
was a large challenge. Specifically, leaders noted funding was needed for three key areas: scholarships and funding for subsidized students, funding for infrastructure improvements and funding to
procure food for student feeding programs.
Second, members noted teacher turnover was a large challenge. Specifically, members noted that once government trained teachers gained
a few
years of experience in the independent
private schools, they would leave
for the government schools
that offer higher salaries
and pension plans.
Additionally, participants noted that
teachers with no experience are more
likely to remain at the schools however;
these teachers need training that is very costly for the schools.
independent private schools cited procurement of food and materials
was very expensive, particularly given the rise
in food prices. Specifically, independent private schools found procuring textbooks, classroom
aids and other materials
expensive for schools to procure in small quantities.
independent private schools
felt there was a need
for increased awareness amongst
themselves to government. Many schools are recently
registered as private limited companies. However, local authorities, particularly the tax authorities, often insist schools
must pay taxes since they are collecting fees.
Independent private schools felt that they should receive
increased recognition from
the government in order to
receive benefits such as free primary education funds and tax-exempt status.
was established in 2008,
as the as an industry sector trade association by a group of interprofessional stakeholders. UNAPSI was then registered with the
Registrar of Companies as a nonprofit trade association.
Today, UNAPSI leadership anticipates to widen its membership
base countrywide. Governed by a
Board of Directors , UNAPSI
intends to provide independent
private schools with advocacy and capacity building programs. Programs
are run by two voluntary and one part- time staff member
as well as university interns.
5.3.1 UNAPSI
Strengths and Weaknesses
The following table summarizes UNAPSI’s organizational strengths
and weaknesses.
Available membership base
Developed Policy Operations Manuals and Guidelines waiting to be implemented
Strong ties with the Ministry of Education will allow UNAPSI to address
leadership team, specifically Board of Directors
(significant experience in running independent schools). Directors are
active and committed to UNAPSI
comprised of inactive and inexperienced members
On-going monitoring,
evaluation and assessments are not completed
member needs
as the best & most successful prep-college schools: High Examination scores
Best college
graduation rates
More diversity of
every kind than other school systems
Safe and
achievement-oriented “intentional cultures”
Independence in
admissions, hiring, programming
teacher/student ratios are available in private schools.
UNAPSI presence in areas such as Central, Eastern
and Western of Uganda (barrier to becoming a national association.
No official membership
records exist including member
data base and membership applications
Limited financial
resources and income
Other existing
associations serving private schools
activities and growth depend on drive from UNAPSI leadership (barrier to operational
Limited human
resources to execute UNAPSI activities and operations
Development – UNAPSI office and infrastructure is very limited (e.g. office
space is small and does not accommodate staff. Also, limited assets are
available (e.g. computers, desks, etc.)
Development – Limited operational procedures, systems and activities. Member
activities are conducted on an ad-hoc basis.
Persistent public
perception as elite and inaccessible in every way – especially financially and
Underinvested in
marketing, understaffed in advancement, under-represented in policy-making
inexperienced in high level governance, leading to misdirected micromanaging of
daily operations
expected to manage more than lead
or immature processes for recruiting, training, and maximizing value of
trustees and for diversifying the board
growth in financial stability
teacher/student ratios are available in private schools.
– Private Partnerships
Aid and Bursaries to private schools
percentage of families who can afford ever-increasing tuitions
of “independent” brand
Management: More risks, longer tail,
costly judgments
The following key findings about UNAPSI focus mainly in
five areas: membership,
financial health, reputation / position, leadership and education quality
Membership: Key findings regarding
membership services result from a review of membership services documents available
and interviews with selected
UNAPSI members.
Interestingly, a strategic plan was
developed in 2008 and updated with select member and leadership input. UNAPSI
leadership indicated it hoped to share and debate this plan with all its members to be adopted in future.
When speaking with current independent
private school directors, members noted advocacy and networking as benefits of UNAPSI.
Specifically, development of independent
private schools policy guidelines and other programs as key advocacy initiatives
carried out by UNAPSI. Additionally,
members noted networking opportunities through meetings will provide them with the opportunity to
discuss common challenges faced and
possible solutions.
Finally, current members
indicated UNAPSI should consider
providing the following member
- Lobbying Funding and financial assistance - for student bursaries, school feeding programs and expansion, expansion and renovation of school facilities
- Training - for new teachers and school managers
- Advocacy - for increased recognition by government of the private sector and equal participation in sector as well as advocacy with parents to understand value of education
- Networking / Collaboration – for exchange of ideas, best practices and sector challenges
Financial Health: Currently, UNAPSI has limited financial resources and controls in
place to manage its operational expenditures.
Reputation / Position: Key findings regarding UNAPSI’s reputation and position
result from interviews and discussions with members,
non-members and stakeholders.
UNAPSI has a strong reputation amongst its members and with certain members of the MoE. However, non-members
vary in their perception of UNAPSI. Some non-members
view UNAPSI favorably and believe it is benefiting the industry, while
others view it
unfavorably because they are not invited to be
members. Based on information received from UNAPSI leadership, UNAPSI has a presence in
rural and urban areas of Uganda. Other
competing associations exist in these same areas.
UNAPSI should explore opportunities to collaborate with these other
Leadership: Key findings regarding UNAPSI’s
leadership result from interviews and discussions with members and leadership. The Current
leadership is working on a voluntary basis.
Education Quality Assurance: Currently, UNAPSI has no formal quality assurance mechanism
in place. The organization conducts
school quality assurance measures on an ad-hoc basis.
on the key findings outlined
above, the suggested areas have been identified as possible ways for
stakeholders and development partners
to partner with UNAPSI. Specifically, these suggested partnership areas represent what are
believed will provide the greatest impact for the growth of UNAPSI and the independent private school sector in
Facilitate a Comprehensive Strategic Planning Review. The first key area for UNAPSI is to
undergo a comprehensive strategic
planning review. The primary objective
of this important exercise is to align UNAPSI leadership,
targeted members and staff in its mission and agree upon key objectives for
activities and membership and the plan for implementation
for the next 3 years. Since UNAPSI developed a plan, executives should recommend
that the plan be reviewed
by UNAPSI Board and
Management, activities and membership
defined and prioritized, annual implementation
plans and budgets developed,
and a draft plan be presented to members for
feedback and eventual adoption.
Based on the results of the adopted strategic plan, UNAPSI
will explore funding key program areas as
prioritized in the plan. Certain examples could
1. Advancing Quality Education
in Independent Private
Schools – To support the creation of a
Quality Assurance capacity within UNAPSI to maintain high
quality education delivery in UNAPSI
member schools. The purpose
would be to ensure all UNAPSI schools are providing
quality education. This would include developing
benchmarks and a standard of quality education in independent private schools, assessing current schools against these benchmarks, developing action plans for addressing key issues to ensure changes
2. Developing Capacity Building
and Training for the Independent Private School Sector –To support the creation of a Training and Capacity Building capacity within
UNAPSI to deliver services, benefits and management training to UNAPSI members.
In addition, UNAPSI can develop other training and capacity
building workshops for school managers,
financial managers and school administration to address general management, financial management and other
social issues (e.g. HIV / AIDS)
faced by the schools.
3. Promoting Financial
Resource Mobilization and Membership
Development in the Independent
Private School Sector
To support the creation of a financial
resource mobilization capacity
within UNAPSI to address the limited
financial resources and membership dues and
base within several
UNAPSI schools. The purpose would be to promote financial
resource mobilization best practices
within the independent private schools industry. This would include developing awareness amongst independent private school directors for the need to become members, encouraging schools to pay
the membership dues, develop
membership services, activates and events using
evidence-based practices , lobby and encourage stakeholders ,
development partners and government to support the organization and the
independent private schools industry, build management skills and capacity of key organization
Finally, UNAPSI should consider
a key component of Development and Growth of
UNAPSI. In order to grow sustainably, it is essential
that UNAPSI create processes, systems and hire staff that can then deliver services to members through various
components. If UNAPSI
hopes to scale and maintain effective relationships with members, development and government officials, improving administration and management is
essential. It is also important for
UNAPSI to improve its financial health by increasing revenue through member services, membership development and
activities. Members should value UNAPSI services and be willing
to contribute to the costs incurred.
Potential organizational development
support can include developing membership/public relations capacities to manage and coordinate organization
operations, activities and looking for ways to
outsource or manage
development of the organization.
It is also recommended that UNAPSI seeks
in-kind assistance to bolster the
development of UNAPSI. This can be through supporting UNAPSI in
collaboration with other development, technical assistance providers or strategic partners. Access to these additional resources
would assist UNAPSI leadership to develop its
strategic plan, funding
proposals and other key capacities as well as provide
advisory services
to UNAPSI leadership to ensure sustainable
growth of the organization.
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