Sunday, 1 February 2015

School Law and the Private Schools in Uganda

School Law and the Private Schools in Uganda

Private schools have been with us a long time, and have operated without many serious problems. The sector is growing stronger and bigger. But we need to be sure that the law is able to deal with problems should they arise and the purpose of this section is to deal with this challenge or risk.
The Constitution of Uganda: Provisions and Amendments Affecting Education
Summary of Relevant Legal Terms  

Preface: how do educational leaders respond to the legal challenges facing their organizations in a highly litigious society? How do they ensure that their organisations are achieving their mission without unduly restricting the constitutional rights and personal freedoms of their students and staff? How do leaders know when they are operating within the law? How can they build and foster an organizational culture that places high value on the personal rights and uniqueness of each individual?

These are issues this book addresses.
School Law and the Private Schools: A Practical Guidelines for Educational Leaders,  is based on the premise that, given today's litigious society, educa­tional leaders and policymakers must be knowledgeable of the law that governs the operation and conduct of their organizations. Increasingly, educational leaders will need to exercise discretion in making rational and legally defensible decisions that affect students and school personnel under their authority. They will need to Guidelines the development and execution of sound and well-developed policies, rules, and regulations governing many aspects of their operation. Educational leaders must ensure that they possess the legal knowledge necessary to accomplish these important administrative tasks successfully.
The goal of these guidelines is to provide comprehensive and prac­tical knowledge of relevant legal issues that affect the organization and administration of Private Schools. This second edition includes an in-depth discussion of the legal sys­tem in Uganda and how it affects the administration of Private Schools in Uganda. One important dimension of the book involves a comprehensive discussion of school violence in Private Schools. Guid­ance is provided for educational leaders as they strive to maintain safe schools. Practicing and prospective educational leaders, students of educational leadership, teachers, prospective teachers, and policymakers at all educational levels must gain knowledge that will allow them to effectively perform their professional duties within the boundaries of constitutional, statutory, and case law.

School Law and the Private Schools provides a practical and useful resource Guidelines for educational leaders aimed at increasing their knowledge and awareness of the complex legal issues that affect their organizations. It will enable them to more effectively perform their legal duties and to meet the requirements of reasonableness as they move their organization toward their mission.

Legal Framework Affecting Private Schools

The Constitution , School Board Policies, The Uganda System of Courts   
Administrative Guidelines: Legal Framework           

Religion and the Private Schools

School-Sponsored Prayer, School-Sponsored Bible and Quran Reading , Silent Prayer and Meditation      

Aid to Parochial Schools       
Religious Symbols ,    Religious Displays      

Prayer at School Events                    
Student-Led Prayer at Private School Events, Athletic Contests, Prayer at Athletic Contests, Guidelineslines: Prayer, Bible and Quran Reading, and Silent Meditation

Voluntary Prayer at Commencement Exercises                  
Prayer at School Board Meetings, Guidelines: Prayer at School Events       

Use of School Facilities by Religious Student Groups         
Administrative Guidelines: Equal Access, Use of School Facilities by Outside Religious Groups, Use of School Facilities by Community Groups, Right to Deny Access,
Guidelineslines: Use of Facilities by Outside Religious Groups        

Religious Activities and Holiday Programs  
Released Time for Religious Instruction, Posting Religious Mottos and Expressions, Distribution of Religious Materials, Use of Religious Garb by School Personnel,
Administrative Guidelineslines: Religious Activities,

Students, the Law, and Private Schools       
Freedom of Expression, Administrative Guidelines: Freedom of Expression, Protests and Demonstrations, Guidelines: Protests and Demonstrations,
School-Sponsored Newspapers,
Guidelines: Student Newspapers, Nonschool-Sponsored Newspapers,
Guidelines: Nonschool-Sponsored Student Publications, Censorship, Guidelines: Censorship        
School Use of the Internet
Guidelines: Use of the Internet

Dress and Appearance          
Health and Safety Issues55Controversial Slogans     , Gang Dress, School Uniform Dress Policies and Students' Freedom of Expression Rights
Guidelines: Uniforms

Handling Gang Violence in Schools
Gang Characteristics and Membership          
Guidelines: Gang Violence    

Zero Tolerance and School Safety  
Zero Tolerance , Recent Zero Tolerance Practices     
Guidelines: Zero Tolerance     , Guidelines: Dress and Appearance  

School Suspension    
Guidelines: Suspension Procedural and Substantive Due Process     , Expulsion     
Guidelines: Expulsion

Search and Seizure   
Reasonable Suspicion, Student Desks, Student Locker, Book Bags, Automobiles, Personal Searches, Strip Searches, Involvement of Law Enforcement Officials,

Drug Testing 
Guidelines: Drug Testing Student Athletes   

No Pass, No Play" Rule                   
Guidelines: No Pass, No Play

Use of Mobile Phones          
Guidelines: Mobile Phones    

Corporal Punishment                       
Reasonable Punishment, Minimal Due Process, Excessive Punishment
Guidelines: Corporal Punishment

Classroom Harassment         
Danger Signals,
Guidelines: Classroom Harassment   
Pregnant Students
Married Students       
Guidelines: Pregnant and Married Students

Individuals with Disabilities
Individuals with Disabilities, Mandatory Requirements, Interpretation and Identification of Children with Disabilities, Individualized Educational Program Requirement, Equal Access to Assistive Technology for Students with Disabilities Program Review and Changes, Education-Related Service Requirement, Least Restrictive Environment, Inclusion of Children with Disabilities, Length of School Year, Residential Placement, Private School Placement , Disciplining Students with Disabilities, Expulsion and Suspension

Personnel and School Liability                   
The School as a Safe Place, Limiting Liability for School Violence, Schools as Safe Places,  School Violence and Negligence,  Emerging Legal Issues, Freedom of Expression: Prohibitions and School Violence
 Guidelines: School Violence             
Legal Challenges Related to School Gangs, Duty of Care and Gang Violence  
Guidelines: Liability and Gang Violence

Liability of School Personnel
Individual Liability, Vicarious Liability, Foreseeability, Nuisance,
Parental Access to School Premises

Intentional Torts
Assault, Battery, Defamation, Libel and Slander, Mental Distress, False Imprisonment, Trespassing on Personal Property

Unintentional Torts              
Standard of Care, Breach of Duty, Proximate Cause, Injury,  Defenses for Negligence, Contributory Negligence, Assumption of Risk,   Comparative Negligence Immunity, Duties of Supervision, Supervision before School, Supervision during School, Supervision after School, Field Trips,  Parental Consent and Written Waivers

Liability Involving Civil Rights Statutes    
Administrative Guidelines: School Liability, Educational Malpractice, Professionalism in Education, School-Based Management, Educational Malpractice Cases
Guidelines: Educational Malpractice

Liability and Student Records                    
Sanctions for Violating Family Privacy Rights, Rights of Parents, Rights of Noncustodial Parents,
Rights of Eligible Students, Rights of School Personnel    , Enforcement of National Laws, Defamation Involving School Personnel
Slander, Libel,  Privilege,  Good Faith,  Acts of Malice,  Defenses against Defamation, Privilege, Good Faith, Truth
Guidelines: Liability and Student Records

Teacher Freedoms               
Substantive and Procedural Considerations         
Freedom of Expression, Speech outside the School Environment, Academic Freedom

Freedom of Association       
Membership in Subversive Organizations, Political Rights, Right to Hold Office,
Participation in Political Campaigns

Dress and Grooming
Community Norms and Expectations, Unwed Pregnant Teachers   

Right to Privacy       
Guidelines: Teacher Freedoms                       
Religious Freedoms and Religious Discrimination
Guidelines: Religious Discrimination

Discrimination in Employment
Discrimination, Qualifications for Employment, Gender Discrimination, Racial Discrimination, Age Discrimination

Pregnancy and Private School Employment                     
Guidelines: Discrimination    
Sexual Harassment                 
Issues Involving Tribalism and Racism

Tenure, Dismissal, and Due Process

Tenure, Acquisition of Tenure, Nonrenewal
Administrative Guidelines: Tenure
Tenure for Principals
Guidelines: Principal Tenure

Dismissal for Cause  
Incompetency, Insubordination, Immorality, sexual orientation and Employment, Unprofessional Conduct, Criminal Activity, Sexual Advances toward Students,
Guidelines: Dismissal 
Good or Just Cause    
Guidelines: Good or just cause                      

Collective Bargaining           
Private Sector versus Public Sector Bargaining
State Involvement, Scope of Collective Bargaining, Impasse and Bargaining, Legal Issues, Workers' Compensation
Guidelines: Collective Bargaining                 

The Constitution of Uganda: Provisions and Amendments Affecting Education

P.O. Box 29324 Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 753632211, Mengo Sentema Road

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