Hostels Accommodation Codes
Being at private university or
college can be one of the most exciting and challenging times of life. Often
it’s when students move away from home for the first time, so making sure
accommodation is safe, good quality and caters for their needs is crucial.
Many students choose
university-managed halls and hostels and, to make sure this accommodation is of
a good standard, the Student Hostels Accommodation Code has been developed by Uganda
National Association of Private Schools and Institutions (UNAPSI).
The Code protects students’ rights
to safe, good quality accommodation, wherever they are studying, and makes sure
they get the best out of their time living in university or college residences.
It outlines everything students can expect from their accommodation as well as
their responsibilities as tenants.
Independent private universities and
schools accommodation buildings will be requested to abide by these codes. The Code will raise standards of
accommodation and aims to continue to enrich the residential experience for
students in Uganda.
it will be enforced
Each university, college or school
will be independently audited every two years to ensure that its management
arrangements for student accommodation are up to the high standards expected by
the Code. This will ensure that the Code is accountable and transparent. To
ensure that the auditing processes are as rigorous as possible, auditors will follow
a four step process for each investigation. This will involve;
- Talking to students or student representative bodies.
- Inspecting documentary evidence.
- Conducting a physical inspection of a sample of the accommodation.
- Investigating any formal complaints made by students.
How the Code will Protect your Rights
The Student Accommodation Code is
designed to protect your rights to safe, good quality university and college accommodation,
wherever you are studying, and to make sure you get the best out of your time
living in university or college residences. It outlines everything you should
expect from your university-managed accommodation as well as your
responsibilities as tenants.
The Code protects your rights to:
A Healthy, Safe Environment
Timely repairs and maintenance
A clean, pleasant living environment
A formal, contractual relationship with
your landlord
Access to health and wellbeing
A living environment free from
anti-social behavior
Student Accommodation Code will set high standards in the student accommodation
sector but all of these codes aim to ensure that students have safe, good
quality accommodation.